Monday, April 21, 2008

Some thoughts for the ladies...

Think about it ladies...if we are truly looking for a husband who serves the Lord wholeheartedly and treats us with gentleness and respect, then once we find him, we need to be willing to serve him second only to the Lord. (Look at 1 Peter 3)

We were created to be helpers...I think that carries into helping him in his ministry as well.

Many people overlook the ministry part when they are searching for the man of their dreams. Once we see a man who is a Christian, we think that is enough. I'm not contradicting that thought but merely adding another dimension

When you are single, your only job is to pursue a relationship with Christ and live a lifestyle that reflects that. You are free to pursue your ministry whether that is in working with teenagers, single moms, the elderly, college women or wherever else.

When you get married, things change. While your relationship with the Lord remains paramount, your priorities are no longer focused on yourself, and your ministry. There is a man in your life who you are called to respect and be his helper.

I believe that helping in his ministry is part of that. Through having a "gentle and quiet spirit" and a servant's heart, you can not only support his ministry but model what it looks like to be a Christ-like wife.

In a world that marinates itself in lust, adultery, pornography, and divorce, you will be a rebel for a holy cause by respecting and serving your husband! By living your life based on God's standard, you will be challenging the world's perspective on marriage...and you will probably be asked a lot of questions about why you live how you do. Can you imagine what an awesome witnessing opportunity that would be!

By doing this, you are in fact, taking on a new ministry. Living that kind of life is a full time job in itself ...but a very rewarding one! From what I read in Proverbs 31, a woman who lives her life like this will be cherished by her husband.

"Cherish - To have the highest regard for: prize, treasure. Idioms: hold dear. See value/worthlessness/evaluation. To recognize the worth, quality, importance, or magnitude of: appreciate, esteem, prize, respect, treasure, value." (Thanks Wikipedia!)

Deep down inside, we as women desire to be cherished (just like men desire to feel respected)..that's just how we were created. By serving a godly man wholeheartedly, it comes full circle huh? Think about it!

Now get out there and life your lives in contradiction to the world! Just be ready to answer questions because if you intentionally life your lives as a witness, you will raise a few eyebrows along the way.

If you have any questions, comments, thoughts or disagreements, please feel free to comment!

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