Monday, June 20, 2011

Goodnight To The Internet

Feeding Bump a pretend bear while playing with the houndlies, then hitting the hay.

I'm a little bit addicted to the Sleep Cycle app on my phone. It makes healthy living habits easier. I've been getting more than 8 hours of rest a night.

Going to figure out how much sleep I need to function well...mostly so I know how much I'm missing when Bump gets here! ;)

Goodnight Internet. Sleep well. I've already checked your closets and under the bed for monsters and the coast is clear!

I'm mentally tucking you in, reading you a bedtime story about adventures far away, and making sure you have a glass of water...but one that's only half full...because everyone knows that you'll wet the bed if you dream of adventures far away on a full bladder. ;)

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