Monday, November 22, 2010

My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress


Dress Use #64: Bib

I sell boxes. I have been selling boxes for over 13 years. As a young boy I dreamed of being either an FBI agent, a firefighter, or a box salesman. The first 2 options ultimately seemed a bit drab for me which is why I have been busy peddling paper and plastic products for the last number of years. Why do I do it? Perks and adrenaline. What do others do when they want a large box for their kids to play in? . . . they have to buy an appliance. I just bring a big box home. And bubble wrap and tape . . . I get all the samples I want. I'm everybody's buddy at moving time. And I can't really explain the rush I get when I get a massive order for plastic bags or TP or staples. There is nothing like it in this world (except maybe leaf blowing or cleaning baseboards).

As exciting as selling boxes is the truth is that this project I started with my ex-wife's wedding dress has been fun for me. I have never done anything like this before so the entire experience has been fascinating. I remember a long time ago I got an e-mail from a woman who told me that she came across my website by googling "coffee filter." I was shocked. I don't have the time to pay too much attention to it but Google Analytics can tell me everything about the visitors to my site: what city, state, country they reside in, how much time they spent on my blog, you name it. I can even see what people were searching for when they found my blog. I decided to take a moment to check out some of the search words that were used by people who found my website. Some of them are pretty amusing and these are some of my favorites. These are actual google searches that brought people to my website.  I don't think I could make some of this stuff up if I tried.

  • I share my wife with my brother
  • Can I dress my fish
  • How to get a guy to wear a wedding dress
  • My ex stole my clothes
  • My wife caught me wearing her wedding dress
  • Fly fishing wedding
  • My wife dress me like a woman
  • How to get a guy to wear a wedding dress
  • Uses for beer to get over my ex-wife
  • Husband wears wife's clothes and forced to do household chores
  • Women forcing husbands to dress as females
  • Korean Washcloth

After I strained some Sponge-Bob mac 'n cheese a while back I used the wedding dress as my bib when I ate it.  My ex-wife's wedding dress makes a fine bib.

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