Monday, April 21, 2008

The first day of spring semester '08!

I found this on my computer and thought it was funny...ergo I decided to share it with the world!

So…woke up early for my 8:00 math class. Made a good breakfast, said good morning to Abby and Holly and moseyed on out the door. Boarded the bus and was off to campus. The bus driver was really nice.

My first class was the math class. Mr. Rose was there again and he was very kind as usual. Mehlissa my ninja buddy was there as well. How fun is that!

After math, I headed to my next class, which was by the H2o fountain. On the way, I saw Javier, my bus riding friend and we talked about the break and such. He had to go teach a class and I had to go find a class so we parted ways. Onward towards more education!

The class itself is a technology class. I was sitting in the classroom when Tashara from Org Comm. walked in and sat next to me. We’re going to be friends this semester I think. AS we were sitting there, we were talking about our class expectations and someone said that the teacher was probably old and outdated on their technology skills and such.

When the teacher walked in however, he was definitely NOT old. Ladies and gents, that was one tall, dark, handsome young, single grad student. Oh Baby oh baby. LOL. The entire classroom (almost all female I might add) went quiet with a short gasp. He turned out to be a good teacher too.

The class I’m sitting in right now is marketing. It’s on west campus…which is amazing! There was a free breakfast and a stock ticker along one wall. Way to create future business professionals A&M! Everything in me was saying “I’m home!”. Ha ha.

Marketing is the name of the game here and I think I’m going to like it. It’s a big lecture hall (350 students) full of some pretty interesting people…a lot of them seem to know each other but I hope to make some friends here too!

After the class, a girl named Mary (who was wearing very stripey rain boots) introduced herself. As we got to talking, I found out that she was an aspiring florist. The conversation continued and she offered to copy all of her notes for me! Jolly good eh?

I then hopped (not literally) on a bus and headed back towards the main campus. There, I became horribly lost in a big building looking for a class…that wasn’t in that building at all. I found that, after walking into a class, staying for 10 minutes I was sadly in the wrong room…of the wrong building…on the wrong end of campus.

The solution? Speed walking. My directional issues were solved by periodically asking construction workers where I was and where I needed to go. Once I got to the right building I had to once again ask for directions due to the fact that they were improving the building…therefore making the usual routes impassable.

I finally got to class…about 25 minutes late…but there nonetheless. Ladies and gents, allow me to introduce you to my folklore class. I made friends with this guy who was in the very back row. I could tell by the very poor posture of the class that the professor wasn’t very interesting and as I, myself fought to keep my attention focused I realized that this would not do (at which point I began to make up a list of other classes which were available in that timeslot).

My final class, to my surprise was in the same building! Oh joy! Oh rapture! No need to ask the construction men this time. I got into the lecture hall and it was definitely stadium style seating. It kind of looked like how you sit in an IMAX theater…really steep! On the walls there were murals of farmers (go figure) and chandeliers on the ceiling.

The professor was boring but nice. He has written a few books and has a pretty interesting resume. Definitely qualified to teach.

After that I WAS FREE! Free to go see my advisor that is. So I did. She didn’t have any classes that fit into my folklore spot but I’ll keep checking.

Hopped on the bus (this time more literally) and headed home to Jack and some potato fingers Abby made for me! Yay! I have now finished a bowl of tasty orange soup and some hot earl grey tea.

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